
Showing posts from October, 2022

SPO600- Math and strings Lab(Lab 3)

In this lab, I was asked to write a program that meets following criteria, 1. Program must work in the 6502 Emulator. 2. Output must be shown to both the character screen as well as the graphics or bitmapped screen. 3. Program must take user input from keyboard in some form. 4. Also I must use some arithmetic or math instructions For my program, I have selected one of the program wrote by our course professor. I got this program from github. As I am still learning the language, so I have decided to modify that code to produce a bit different kind of output than the original one without giving away the main intend.  So the original program would ask the user to select a color from a given list, which will then be shown in the bitmapped display. Here I have changed the input text that was asked to the user as I have modified the program in such a way that the selection prompt will start from the light green which is not at the top of the list instead of the original one which was bla...

SPO600-Lab 2 (Continued)

 Experiments: Now I will perform some additional experiments which was asked for the lab. First I will add a instruction tya in the loop of the code. See the output below that I got from it. Here instruction tya means transfer y to a. Here I can see 11 colors on the display.  Now I was told to add instruction lsr after tya as like 'tya:lsr' . Let's see the output on the below screenshot: Experimenting with the emulator helping me gradually to adapt with this language. I will continue my experiments and post more blogs of these later.

SPO600-Lab2 (Experimenting with 6502 emulator)

In this lab, I have been given a bitmap code which will fill the emulator's bitmap display with the yellow color. Later I was given some task to modify the code in such a way to get different output color for the entire display. I was also asked to show four different color in four different pages. In this display one quarter is refer to as one page. I was encouraged to do some further experiment then. So I will start from the very first task. I assembled and run the initial code on the emulator and below is my raw code and output. lda #$00 ; set a pointer in memory location $40 to point to $0200 sta $40 ; ... low byte ($00) goes in address $40 lda #$02 sta $41 ; ... high byte ($02) goes into address $41 lda #$07 ; colour number ldy #$00 ; set index to 0 loop: sta ($40),y ; set pixel colour at the address (pointer)+Y iny ; increment index bne loop ; continue until done the page (256 pixels) inc $41 ; increment the page ldx $41 ; get the current page number cpx ...


  Mozilla Firefox: It is another open source software which is a popular browser. It is under the Mozilla public license. Mozilla Firefox issue contributions: There is a GitHub page  where everyone can raise any issue with this browser. I followed both the open and closed issues from this page. For example, in this closed assignment  27046  where the issue was navigation bar won't disappear in full screen video player, the issue was raised by Nimzael. He also added different labels like 'bug', 'needs: triage' to this issue. He got a reply within two days from SoftVision-LorandJanos. Within one day of the initial response the issue got resolved and the assignment was marked as closed with completed sign. So even if there is no actual issue or bug to commit changes, there are lots of opportunity to raise any issue for expert attention.

SPO600- Lab1

For lab1, I was asked to research about two Open source software packages and there input collection from the contributors. For this I have chosen Visual studio code and Mozilla Firefox. Visual Studio code: It is an open source software package from Microsoft which run under MIT license. Visual Studio code contributions: There is a wiki page from where one can learn about how to contribute to vscode. The process simply is someone raise a new issue, Microsoft then assign the issue to someone dynamically and then the assignee work on that assignment and try to discuss with others to solve the issue.  I followed couple of the closed and open issues including this one 161334 . This one is already closed by the assignee. Here we can see that Roblourens raised this issue called Settings sync disabled due to too many requests. He then assigned sandy081 for this issue. after about one week of raising the issue was solved with multiple commit from jrieken. 

SPO-600-Blogging Introduction

Hello everyone, Welcome to my new blog series. This series will follow the instruction of the course called Software Portability and optimization. I will be posting about all the labs and project work here one after another. You can view the wiki page of this course from here .